It can be allergic (soaps, detergents, etc.) or endogenous like atopic, seborrhoeic and Neurodermatitis They are characterized by redness & ill-defined swelling, blister like eruptions, cracking, discharges, scaling, itching. People having it for a long time can have thickening of the skin, fissures, and pigmentations.
Fever is one infection, which rings an alarm bell in people of all age groups. Especially so in parents whose child has a fever. For us as doctors it is not important to just treat the fever. Fever is only the body’s reaction and not the main infection per se. Our aim is to investigate & find out where is the origin of the fever. Fever is always an out come of some internal infection & unless that is dealt with the fever does not subside.
Painful defecation, burning while passing stools & fresh bleeding per rectum are all symptoms of fissure in the ano. The cause can be trauma, hard stools, and constipation and anal/ peri anal abscess to name a few./p>
Our GI tract is exposed to many invasions every day through food and water in terms of algae, bacteria, etc. The food passes through the body parts like oesophagus, stomach, and intestines small & large.
A disorder of the body where the required amount of uric acid is not excreted but accumulated giving rise to inflammation and pains in various joints of the body. The toe and ankle are usually affected. They are very painful & do not respond to normal painkillers. Along with the medication it is very important to have a proper dietary assessment & shift on a low protein diet.
Irregular diet, constipation, & modern day life style are primarily responsible for this complaint. There is difficulty in passing stools, bleeding which can be dark in color and swelling in the anal region. (engorged piles). Proper diet, & medication can restore normalcy completely.
Our diet constitutes of carbohydrate, protein, & fat. Energy is stored in the body in form of glycogen & adipose tissue (fat). Excess of blood fats (FFA free fatty acids) can cause deposition in the blood vessels leading to cardiac & cerebral complications. It is important to keep the levels of triglycerides, LDL & VLDL cholesterol as low as possible. This can be done by drastically improving the food habits. Our routine food could be very rich in fat, which increases cholesterol & body weight. Normal blood cholesterol must be kept below the level of 200 mg% & Triglycerides below 150 mg %. At the clinic appropriate diet instructions are advised along with the medication.
Along with diabetes another health condition that’s been making headlines is hypertension or high blood pressure. We have treated patients as young as 18 yrs. of age getting being diagnosed as hypertensive. This problem is a silent killer & the symptoms are not always noticeable. 70 % of the cases suffer from essential hypertension. (i.e. Exact cause remains elusive) Some of the causes that lead to this complaint include kidney diseases, Endocrinal disorder, Alcohol, drugs, pregnancy, & Stress. Symptoms- most patients remain asymptomatic but a few may have throbbing, pulsating headaches & head heaviness. Not treating this condition promptly can lead to cerebral hemorrhage (Stroke), retinal & renal damage. Along with medications it is important to bring about a change in life style. This includes reducing stress (physical as well as mental), regular exercise, weight loss, healthy food habits, & a salt restricted diet. All these help in managing the problem & for those who don’t suffer from it, this regimen will help in keeping the problem at bay.
This is the most commonly found problem of the G.I. system where stress, anxiety, & tension play a very important role. It is seen in individuals who are anxious personalities. It is seen more commonly in women. The symptoms are pain in the lower left abdomen better by passing stools and erratic bowel habits like alternating symptoms diarrheoa & constipation and an uncontrollable strong urge to pass stools.
There have been so many cases reported of young adults about 30-35 yrs & above who have undergone by-pass surgeries or angioplasty to treat a blocked coronary artery. This disease generally affecting people in the 4th decade & above is now taking a toll on young adults. Our life style plays an important role in inviting this problem with our modern day living, diet rich in fats (especially saturated fats), refined & processed foods, lack of proper exercise & stress along with other systemic diseases like Diabetes & Hypertension. All these coupled together lead to IHD. This pathology is characterized by reduced blood supply to the heart muscle, which can be due to atherosclerotic plaque in blood vessels, arteriospasm, & cardiac overload. The patient may not have any symptoms to begin with, hence the problem often goes unnoticed. Preventive cardiac care is gaining lot of momentum worldwide. Bringing about a change in life styles along with an alteration in diet help in minimizing the risks. Yoga, too, plays an important role in keeping the body fit.